10 Tips: Stay Young-Looking Through the Years
1. Skin Care! At the first sign of a blemish and oily hair as a teen, develop a skin care routine. Start with daily basic cleansing and graduate to the appropriate skin care as your skin changes with age.
2. Wear a sunblock. All ages and all skin tones under the rainbow need to protect their skin with an SPF of at least 15.

3. Use a scrub. Removing dead skin makes the skin look healthy. Choose one per skin type.
4. Remove make-up at night. This helps cut down blackheads and bacteria from forming. Plus is healthier for your skin.
5. Use an eye cream starting at age 20. It is the first place you show age. Contacts, smoking and being outside cause extra stress on the skin, hence, extra lines.
6. Anti-aging creams. Night creams used to be what we used after we started to see dryness and lines. Now with the new batch of anti-aging creams, you can start early to prevent and prolong aging skin problems. They also protect the skin.
7. Protect lips. The skin of the lips is very delicate. That is why they can get chapped so fast in the winter, there are no oil glands in the lips. They need protection from the sun and dryness so use some type of lip product every day, even before going to sleep at night.
8. Wear a foundation. A study found women look 20 years older with uneven skin tone! With all the wonderful new formulas, find one and wear it! It will protect your skin too.
9. Care for your nails and hands. Not only to look good, but fingernails can be the window to health issues. Changes in color and texture could mean a medical problem. If you see any changes in your nails, call your doctor.
10. Get regular hair cuts. Keeping your hair in good condition, regardless of your style, will make you look younger and healthier. That goes the same for your eyebrows, keep them groomed.